Jun 25Liked by Mary Erickson

So sorry you are sick, and glad it is not as bad as earlier versions of Covid. I hope you improve from pancake to potato soon!

I was just thinking about how close I stand next to people in line at the grocery store and 7-11 now. Seems we have no worries anymore. I decided that besides the shots, smoking a lot of cigarettes and pot have kept me immune. My comfort shows are Monk, Bones, Magnum and Castle types, and yes, I even pay fo the Hallmark mystery channel. Shit I'm old.

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Hahaha! You crack me up! I love that you pay for Hallmark Mystery Channel — watch it loud and proud, Amy! There's nothing like a good tidy procedural to take you from "everything's gone to shit" to "all's right with the world." in under 60 mins!

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Jun 24Liked by Mary Erickson

Sorry Mary you got pancaked, but yes great line! Omg whenever I indulge in a big blockbuster movie like Dune 2 or MadMax i get so carried away. Feeling seat and feet and also what the arms are doing in the theater chair are great reminders. I love this thanks!

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Thanks Matt — that phrase "carried away" is so apt! I never want to keep people from the fun ride, but these days, with so many "tempters" trying to steal our attention, I just want everyone to find their way back home!

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Jun 24Liked by Mary Erickson

“Couch pancake”, “rising like a pheasant” (<—BWAAAA HAAAA HAAA, sums up my last 6 months😂😂!!!) — LMAO—Oh my god, I love you!!! I hope you feel better my sweet pal — I’m sorry Montana gave you the gift that keeps on giving, and not the panoramic selfie!!! 💜💜💜

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Thanks Danielle! Glad you like the pheasant visual — Roland Schitt's spirit animal was speaking to me! Feeling much better thanks!! Love you!

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Montana, Covid ... feels like it hasn't been that long since my all too brief visit and yet so much has happened since then. Sounds like you're feeling better. :) As a kid, one of the first movies that left it's imprint was "The Unsinkable Molly Brown". I remember after being riveted and totally falling in love in with Molly Brown, I walked up the theater isle of Radio City Music Hall and felt in my entire body that I was Molly Brown. Soooo ... in that sense identifying with the strength of a character by means of it reinforcing the indomitable spirit that lies within was a good thing for little me back then. Currently, with everything going on within and without I've returned to Seinfeld from the beginning. That is the kind of absurd and riciculousness I can laugh at. And, inspired to channel my NY/NJ inner Elaine more and more. Crazy about you Mare! xoxo

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